Tuesday, March 7, 2017

What seeds to plant?

Last week, I was looking through some magazines I had been given about Hobby Farms. Oooh, how they're making me eager for spring. The last two or three years we had a small raised garden in our backyard and loved seeing how full we could pack it. I know we broke a ton of the rules as to plant spacing. We were so excited to grow things, we maximized what we had. We had zucchini, sugar snap peas, sunflowers, cucumbers, beans, strawberries, raspberries, carrots, and lettuce. All in two tight little beds. We all loved going out to pick fresh produce. I loved that my son would eat the cherry tomatoes like candy, and happily eat the sugar snap peas fresh off of the vine. Daily I would have to remind my kids to let the strawberries turn all the way red before they picked them. Oh that garden was fun. Each year we'd tweak it and change it to accommodate different things and highlight new ideas. 

Now, we've moved out of town and have plenty of space to have a garden that will give each type of plant the space it would prefer to have. If only the snow would melt! However, this year is forcing me to actually plan out, to some extent, what we want to include. We'll have to fence it as we have plenty of neighboring deer, but what will it end up looking like!? I can't wait to find out. A whole box just for strawberries. Another row just for my raspberries. You get the idea. Then I can't wait to have friends out to enjoy the bounty and share what we'll be able to grow. This is a dream come true.

However, all the idea of gardening, has made me stop to ponder my own heart and dreams. I came across the magazine advertisement the other day and had one of those moments where for a moment time stops. "It all starts with a seed." 
Then, my Bible Study we've been doing with church spent quite a bit of time going into where and how we plant our seeds. If we randomly scatter them, our garden will be spastic at best. I realize I'm coming out of one of those winters you just do barely scatter everything around. Then you wake up one day realizing it's been survival, reactive mode for months. Yes some things have been systematic and intentional, but I realize I've not been asking the bigger questions. How is my soil, where are my rows, what am I planting, what weeds am I not tending to? 
Friends, as we wait for the snow to melt (if you're in Kalispell) or the sun to reappear regularly, if you're anywhere else, I encourage you, as I am encouraging myself to ask a few questions. What are you sowing? Are you tending first to your soil. Your personal spiritual life. Clear the rocks and the weeds. Identify what is ruining your great planting soil. Being overly busy? Bitter? Discouraged? Isolated? Not in the Word? Not planning for your health? Take care of yourself and your heart first. 

Then decide what you want to plant. Are you being generous with your gifts and your time? Are you investing in relationships? Friendships that build up your character and joy? Investing in people who need a mentor? Building memories with your family and your kids? Getting involved in your church and giving of your time? Volunteering in something you're passionate about? What are you planting? When we stop to evaluate where our time is going every day, are you satisfied with it? Are you bold enough to change? I'm spending some time this week to evaluate what I'm passionate about, and if I'm really investing in it. 

From there, we have to daily care for our new seedlings. They need tending to, watering and weeding. As we evaluate and create new opportunities, we have to guard them when it's a vulnerable and new idea. The reward will be great. We live in a culture that just zones out to life. We are on our computers, our phones, our TVs and can miss out on so many opportunities. We have to choose to wake up, water, weed, repeat. I have to do this. I have to tend to my little tasks daily, so that when more opportunities come my way disciplines are intact. 
I cannot wait for what my new, real garden will end up looking like this summer. I can't wait to have people over to help me harvest the bounty. But I will have to spend quite a bit of time and some money to create that space. Jesus, please help me to be intentional in that, but more than that help me to ask what seeds I am to plant in life. Who or what am I to develop relationship with? What tasks do I need to remove from my daily life or add in? What do I need to be patient to allow to grow bigger and stronger? What will thrive because I put it in it's own place to grow instead of crowding it with too many other things? Lord please give me fresh eyes to serve, to seek out opportunities and daily and weekly continue to go after them! We have no idea how much we can do if we are obedient to do the work He's asked us to do. I'm grateful and excited for what lies ahead! 

1 comment:

  1. Amazingly encouraging, challenging and thoughtful words. Thank you Emily for again blessing my heart@
