Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Comparison is a thief

Comparison is a thief. A liar. A manipulator.

We live in a world of comparison. So often we don't even have an awareness of what we're doing when it's taking place.

I want to live life abundantly and with grace. I hope to live in the awareness of my daily need for grace. I want to continue to learn and grow and strive for the things God puts before me. I don't want to look sideways at what other have, or say, or do. I want to run my fingers through my daughters hair just because she's my little girl. I want to snuggle my growing boy because someday he'll be grown and raised. I want to live the life I've been given to live with my husband to the fullest. We are guaranteed no more than this moment, so why do I find myself subliminally looking sideways.

For my heart, it isn't that I want to get the nicest car or obvious material things, but it shows up in my inadequacies. My own failings can grip my heart fiercely and cage me in. I'm not patient enough, disciplined enough, present enough. If I could just commit to _______ more, I'd have different results. I'd be happier, I'd be more engaged, I'd be satisfied.

But one thing I've been reminded a lot of lately is the tension in the middle. Paul in Corinthians struggled with the unknown to us, thorn in his side. He wasn't a great speaker, or a public figure, but God used him mightily. He didn't let his inadequacies keep him from going after what God had planned for him.

Same with Moses. He couldn't speak well but God asked him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.

David was a murder and an adulterer, but he was listed as a man after God's own heart because he kept striving for right relationship with God despite his failings.

Hannah kept praying for a baby when she could have none, and finally the Lord heard her cry and blessed her with Samuel.

Peter was hot headed but God said he would build his church through him.

Joseph was sold into slavery, thrown in prison for what he didn't do, and finally was able to save thousands because of his hard work and faithfulness to God.

So, why would I look sideways? I don't want to compare my story to others. I want to ask God to direct our steps, or stop me in my tracks if I'm off base. John 10:10 says 'the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus came to give us life, and to give us life abundantly'.

Imagine if those Biblical examples were to poll their friends for a yes or a no to following God. Imagine the grief they probably received from others as they moved into God's plan for them.

I'm freshly encouraged from this, to try to look up to the source of life. Then look to see who I can encourage and bring along. But I will not play the comparison game, because it is a thief.

Friends, let's not give the thief the power to change the lives we were made to live.

Live intentionally. Purposefully. Patiently. Ask for wisdom. Lean into those who have gone before. Sit on your knees and quietly ask the Lord to reveal blind spots or strength you didn't know you had.

Live fully. Be alive. Live abundantly.
Go where he leads even if it seems crazy!


  1. Abundant life if available to all who seek His face alone. Thank you for the reminder.

  2. We are studying 'Simply Tuesday' in our small group. Your thoughts go right along with our study this week on chapter 5. I can send you my book after we are done if you would like. And have Peg give hers to Stephanie. Thank you, Emily, for adding to our study today. I will be using some of your words.

    1. Oh that is so encouraging! I love when the Lord does that! I would love to read the book when you're done! Thanks Sheila!
