Friday, May 25, 2018

Wearisome but worth it

Today was beautiful, warm, sunny and sweet.
We took our pup to the vet for a funny thing in his eye. We're on the watch, but it could be the nearing of an end of an era. He'll be 11 this summer, we got him when we had been married a year and a half. We've changed so many things through the years, but we've had our constant companion. Weird to think past having him in our home.
"Faith is being sure of what we hope for and confident of things unseen' Hebrews 11:1.
This is my verse over our sweet as pie girly whose name I can't share here. It's also just a life verse in general.
When Phill was about 9 years old he decided if he ever got a dog he would name it Montana. He had thought the ideal dream would be to live on a dirt road in Montana, driving an old pickup truck with a canine companion riding shotgun. Being a realist at an early age, he thought there's no way I'll live in a Montana, I'm from Seattle and want to be an engineer. So he decided to tribute his first dog to that dream. Fast forward to 2007 and we brought home the pup.
Now, here we are living that dream of his 9 year old boy self, and we can't help but reflect on the humor of it. But also the fun of God's dreams for us. He often puts desires IN us so we'll say"yes of course!" when God asks. He's gracious in that. Not to say it's easy, perfectly wrapped in a little box, but it's good.
I felt called to adopt, and eventually to foster from an early age. I grieved at many almosts. Now here we are with our dynamic duo babes and we're grateful we said yes. No it's not all sunshine and roses. Friends fostering and raising 4 kids 6 and under is at times the hardest thing I've ever done. I wouldn't want any other road though. 'For such a time as this' we are here. Having people 'worry about me for fear it's too much' is missing the point. I'm a grown adult who can choose what to say yes or no to. These babes, and specifically our girl, didn't choose their road, so I want to consciously walk into the tricky brokenness and make it a part of mine. It is hard. I have shed many tears, but I don't want to be worried about,I want to equip and cheer on others to join us in the battle.
Whatever God is whispering in your heart, go after it. It will not be easy. Trust me in that. But instead of easy, we choose messy, complicated, rich and full. This land is a gift given to us beyond what we could've dreamed. These 4 babes are the ones my heart was made for.
If our dog is on his last go around the sun, we want to reflect on the reminder of the ideas put in us years ago so that on hard days we know our why. God writes things on our hearts and he wants to show us his ways are better.
Say yes to risky faith. Be sure of what you hope for. Be confident in the unseen things your heart sings for and stay the course.

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